Mention the word CLUTTER, and people start to get a bit uneasy, avoid eye contact and act like they are suddenly hard of hearing. Yup,…. cluuuuuuuuttter! Clutter, clutter, clutter… Are you still with me? If you are reading this far, it means I haven’t lost you yet, which is a good thing because there is a chance to win a …
Get Clear To Get More Effortless Results
Clear on InkYoungLife’s Blog When I wrote Clear, it was a solitary experience. The only person who read anything from it before it was published, was my Editor. During the process of writing the book, I spent a lot of time thinking and reworking my message in the hope that it would be helpful to people. It felt best, creatively, to …
Finding Our Hunger Podcast Interview with Kaila Prins
I had the great pleasure of being interviewed by Kaila Prins of In My Skinny Genes for her wonderful podcast It is my first official interview for Clear: How to Simplify Your Life & Live More Fearlessly and I have to say, it was awesome! It felt good to talk about the book and hear a peer’s perspective of what resonated …
The Power of Fresh Air
Seriously, go outside right now. I’m not kidding. Even if you are reading this at midnight and it’s -30 degrees out, get up and do it. If you are in the middle of a project and taking a break to surf the net, it’s even more reason to get up and do it. When you get outside, take three great …