Finding Our Hunger Podcast Interview with Kaila Prins

I had the great pleasure of being interviewed by Kaila Prins of In My Skinny Genes for her wonderful podcast It is my first official interview for Clear: How to Simplify Your Life & Live More Fearlessly and I have to say, it was awesome! It felt good to talk about the book and hear a peer’s perspective of what resonated with them. Kaila is a great host and she has a fantastic radio voice. I think you’ll enjoy listening to this! See below.


Finding Our Hunger Podcast

In episode UNpodcast:080 UNcluttered (Annick Magac) we discuss:

  • The trouble with trying to seek spiritual and creative fulfillment through body transformation
  • The link between interior design and interior emotions
  • What happens when we let go of the victim mentality
  • Plus… a whole lot more!

You can listen to the podcast here and make sure to subscribe to Finding Our Hunger in iTunes or Stitcher Radio. Don’t forget to leave a comment! (It is your opportunity to let Kaila Prins know what you liked listening to so she can make sure to cover the topics you want to hear about.)

In My Skinny Genes Blog

In addition to the podcast we did together, Kaila Prins also wrote a blog about her experience with the book Clear. You can read it here on her blog In My Skinny Genes where she covers such topics as disordered eating, living with chronic pain, and body image. (I just love the name of her blog!) Here is an excerpt from what she wrote:

“A few days ago, I got home around 9:30 pm. I saw that I had a package from my friend and fellow health coach, Annick Magac: her first book, Clear: How to Simplify Your Life & Live More Fearlessly. I opened it around 10 pm and had completely finished the book in time for our 7 am podcast recording the next morning.

It’s a simple book—that is, the book is clear and straightforward. The concepts are so common sense that you find yourself nodding along with the text: “Of course—I know this; I already understand.” But that is exactly why it was so impactful: sometimes we need to have the obvious pointed out before we’re ready to make a change.” Kaila Prins

Let me know, in the comments below, what you thought of the podcast and In My Skinny Genes blog post.

If you like what you heard on the podcast and what you read from my peer Kaila Prins, sign up for my newsletter where I share a lot more about my book and all things related to Health, Fitness, and Design.

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A bientôt,
