Seriously, go outside right now. I’m not kidding. Even if you are reading this at midnight and it’s -30 degrees out, get up and do it. If you are in the middle of a project and taking a break to surf the net, it’s even more reason to get up and do it. When you get outside, take three great …
How To (or not) Exercise On The Road
I spend A LOT of time in airports and cars. I know I’m not the only one. Death of the Salesman? I think not. Almost every flight I’m on is sold out. Airplane travel is no longer a glamorous Mad Men adventure. It’s a test of patience, planning, and for me- the luck of being short. Seriously, this is the …
Blueprint 3-Day Cleanse Review
I lot of my clients ask me about doing cleanses and detoxes. As a health coach, I have mixed feelings about recommending them and whether or not I believe they work or are worth trying. Since I would not recommend anything that I have not tried myself, I decided it was time to try one again. It has been a …