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Invoke the Muse

When in doubt, invoke the muse. Need some inner strength? Inspiration? Guidance? Invoke the muse.   What’s a muse?   Technically, we’d have to go back to Greek/Roman mythology where there were nine goddesses, known as muses, who represented the arts and sciences. We can thank Zeus and Mnemosyne for birthing or conjuring those beauties. (Whatever Gods do to make …

I’m Not Sorry

Are you sorry? I mean, really sorry?! Then, why do you always apologize for everything?   Today, I want to talk to my sisters, specifically. But men- listen up, because we need your help. There is this tendency for women to over-apologize about…. evvvvvvverything!   Scenarios   Ladies, do you find that you apologize for things like-   A friend tells you they had a …