Fat Baker turns FitPro. Is that how I should have titled this blog? Someone call the SEO police and let me know! Ok. All jokes aside- [Tweet “It’s hard to admit when a passion turns into poison.”] I got into baking for many reasons- Who doesn’t love a delicious decadent chocolate cake covered in ganache with chocolate curls lightly dancing …
Is Consistency Ruining Your Fitness?
Get up, drink coffee, workout… Repeat. Monday, Lift weights/upper body. Tuesday, Soul Cycle. Wednesday, Crossfit. Thursday, Lift weights/lower body. Friday, Yoga. Saturday, Rest Day. Sunday, Hike. So, you’ve gotten to the place where you put the priority on exercise. Excellent! You are consistent. You track which days you work out. You have workout dates with friends. You stick …
How Planting Something Can Keep You Grounded
If you aren’t home very much because you travel, work or commute a lot of hours, it can be hard to justify having and caring for plants or a yard. I’m here to tell you that it just may be the thing you need in your life. I know you’re thinking, “Annick, like I need another thing to do or …
Eat To Perform
There was a point in my life where I didn’t want ANY vegetables. Seriously, none. Unless you count french fries or miscellaneous vegetables that decorated the side of dishes and mistakenly made their way into my mouth via being stuck to something else I wanted to eat on my plate, like… MEAT. It is a bit ironic considering that my …