Take Epic Chances

This past summer, I took a vacation for the first time in several years. I’m not particularly proud of this. It just means I have spent a lot of time working.

As someone who travels a lot, I have pretty much been on the road solely for work. I can assure you that work travel is significantly different than vacation travel. With work travel, you always hope you’ll be able to squeeze in some down time and sightsee a little bit. It rarely works out. I know my travel warriors can relate.

It was the first time since 1986 that my family took a vacation together. Crazy, I know. They’re not kidding when they say time flies. It seems like a blink of an eye since we were wearing Jams Shorts and running around the newly built Epcot Center in Florida.

Fast forward 29 years later and I was driving cross-country with my parents to upper Michigan for a week long vacation with the rest of my family.

Who knew upper Michigan was BEAUTIFUL and friendly?! I think everyone is keeping it a secret so it doesn’t get ruined. It’s on the way… to nowhere. I’m pretty sure that is how it has been able to keep its perfection quiet. So shhhhhhh, don’t tell anyone that I told you to visit.

The drive out was about 12 hours. It was a blast to travel with my parents and spend that time with them. They know how to travel in style. My Papa loves to have cocktail hour when we arrive at the hotels. Who can argue with that?

On the way out, I read a blog post where the woman stated- “Make this your last job”. I wish I could remember who it was or where I came across it. But, the message hit me hard.

I had been traveling hardcore for the past 5+ years for a job that I didn’t particularly love. On the side, I was building my business for 2 years. I was working a LOT of hours. My health was not optimal. My stress levels were horrid. I was trying to make it all work so that someday I could take the plunge into my business 100%.

Here was the problem, I was in the mindset that I should keep my day job and if I left it, I should get another one just-in-case things don’t work out immediately with my business.

The truth was that I wasn’t looking to commit to my business 100%, although I thought I was. I rationalized that I had to be responsible- health insurance, savings, etc. I will continue to work both until my business replaces my current income! I’m logical and a realist. While those are good traits, it can keep me from making some big decisions or changes.

I talk about fear, a lot. It is the elephant in the room that no one wants to acknowledge. Sometimes, we can be in such denial of it that we are sitting on the elephant and think we’re just sitting on a stool. Was I scared to leave my job or was I being smart?

[Tweet “Fear is a tricky beast.”]

Make this your last job… I was stumped as I realized that up until reading that, I hadn’t truly committed to that job being my last job. When I made that shift in mindset sitting in the car somewhere between Ohio and Michigan, everything changed.


More signs started to show up.

We were on Mackinac Island where I wandered into a gift shop. I love journals and found one that said- Make Epic Changes. WOW, I had just found my perfect next journal.

[Tweet “Make epic changes.”]

It took me 4 days to relax into the vacation. I was so wound up from work and stress that I couldn’t even fully enjoy myself. I know it made me crabby and not the best co traveller for my family, although I was so happy to be with them on this adventure.

I didn’t fully relax until I beat the crap out of myself by—having back pain, losing my phone on the sand dunes, and eating nuts, by accident, that I am highly allergic to and suffering an allergic reaction. Actually, the whole family suffered through the last one. (sorry!)

My body was repeatedly giving me the signal to let go. Relax. Be present. I kept resisting… for days until she finally said- ENOUGH. Wake up, Woman!!!

After that, I had no choice but to completely relax. I was finally present. And I gave into the vacation, which became EPIC.

That day, my sister found a quarter that she gave me for luck after my string of bad luck. I carry it in my pocketbook as a reminder of many things.

Family first. Listen to your body. Listen to your gut. Be kind to yourself. Stop carrying your phone in shallow pockets. Don’t eat random cookies on the counter without knowing the ingredients.

It wasn’t until I was home two weeks later after work travel, that I realized that the journal I had bought actually said- Take Epic Chances not Make Epic Changes. Oh, how I laughed! I realized that I needed to hear BOTH messages, which are close but not the same.

A month and half later, I left my job and dived 100% into my business.

Let me know, in the comments, what Epic Chances you have taken in your life.

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A bientôt,
